Our Programs

Local Programs

We’re establishing a Vocational Training, Cultural Arts Center, Day Program and EvergreenGROWS for Individuals with Disabilities in Texarkana with Your Help.

Below are some of the programs that will be supported within the new facility.



Cultural Arts Program

Communicating in conventional ways is sometimes difficult for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Introducing art to many of the individuals we serve helps to bridge communication gaps. It has also given individuals a sense of self-worth and pride. Everyone has something to share; ideas, joy, pain, and everyone have a story.

At Evergreen, we make it a priority for the individuals we serve to not only have a voice but to amplify their voice within the community at large. Art provides us with a means to share. 

Elevating this concept to the next level, the talented emerging artists can earn money by selling their creations in Evergreen’s new gallery and gift shop space and on our online store.

Visual artwork, jewelry and fine craft items created by program participants will also be marketed and displayed at strategic locations throughout the community.

Fifty percent of the sale of each item will go directly to the artist responsible for making the item, and the other half will be put directly back into the program to purchase more supplies.

To fulfill Evergreen’s vision of a vibrant and successful art program, it is essential to have the proper tools and supplies necessary so that attendees can become proficient in their artistic skills and work toward creating professional works of art.

The ultimate objective for EvergreenCREATES is for the participants to master a skill or multiple skills to afford them an opportunity to earn income through this social enterprise or through their own micro-enterprise/art business.


Horticulture Program

EvergreenGROWS is a unique and dynamic vocational program that utilizes experiential learning and skill-building through professional horticultural experiences and training.

EvergreenGROWS is also a social enterprise, meaning that the program operates as a business and has specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose.

Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. The profits are then principally used to fund the same or additional social programs. 

Participants are educated on agricultural methods and learn how to properly plant seeds and/or seedlings and then care for them by watering, weeding, thinning and harvesting. As the plants become mature, we sell them in our ‘marketplace’ which follows a ‘Farmers Market’ model. 

The individuals with disabilities served by Evergreen will benefit by participating in a workforce readiness program focusing on retail sales and wholesale ordering elements which will further develop each participants’ skill-building opportunities.
EvergreenGROWS also encompasses a ‘Community Garden’ philosophy where individuals within the surrounding community may volunteer their time and skills to serve as mentors. Additionally, Evergreen encourages fostering community partnerships with area colleges that have biology or horticulture programs, as well as civic organizations and area churches.

The community at large will also benefit from having access to purchase the very affordable products grown within our greenhouses.  

We are excited for the opportunity to implement EvergreenGROWS in Texarkana!  

Vocational Program

The vocational training program helps individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities to prepare for, enter into, or retain employment. All trainees, whether or not they complete the program or find employment, learn something about themselves and about the world of work.

Some of the skills our team focuses on are:

  • Interpersonal skills: getting along with co-workers and supervisors
  • Communication skills: listening, speaking clearly, following directions
  • Developing the flexibility and comfort to work on a variety of tasks
  • Productivity: providing quick and quality work that meets deadlines
  • Organizational skills: setting priorities, completing assigned work
  • Problem solving: making decisions, taking responsibility
  • Personal appearance: hygiene and appropriate work attire

Evergreen’s Texarkana location is proud to incorporate production of items for HEAVENDROPt at our new vocational training center.  Funds are used to pay competitive wages to people with disabilities who make our products, including Verterans with disabilities.  

HEAVENDROPt was conceived during a visit to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Evergreen CEO, Sue Buchholtz was invited to the base by John Stross, founder of Remember Honor Support, a nonprofit that supports veterans. During the visit to MacDill AFB, Sue was shown the careful examination of used parachutes prior to them being cleared for use by the military for additional jumps. Sue saw the potential to develop products from the parachutes that could not be used again. Sue’s vision was to develop a social enterprise that included employing people with disabilities, giving back to veteran organizations and recycling. This started the development of a business plan and process to make this vision a reality.


HEAVENDROPt is a part of Evergreen Life Services and is a 501c3 nonprofit.  Funds are used to pay competitive wages to people with disabilities who make our products.  Our goal is to supply meaningful work to all.  Of course, all product raw materials must be purchased continually to keep everyone working.  HEAVENDROPt products are handmade by the wonderful people served by Evergreen Life Services, our nations brave Veterans, and partnering organizations who serve those in need. Our products are made in the US out of recycled  Military Parachutes. Our products are organic  and Vegan  friendly. 

Watch HEAVENDROPt’s video.

In 2018 we became a 3rd party Recycling facility exclusively for military parachutes. We currently house in our Largo, FL warehouse over 70,000 pounds of used military parachutes from WWII to Korea, Vietnam, and current ones used actively by our service men and women.

We are required to destruct all of the parachute cords on the parachutes so that the parachutes cannot be used any longer because of the liability. Once we have someone prepare the parachutes according to military regulations. We process all the chutes and make kits depending on the product needs and send the kits to our Evergreen Divisions.

The purchase and renovation of the new building at our Texarkana location adds the space required to incorporate HEAVENDROPt into our vocational training center.  Texarkana will receive kits to assemble products made from recycled parachute material. Sales of these unique products enable Evergreen to employ more workers with disabilities.

It is our belief that our product doesn’t just encompass the material, but it helps tell the story of that parachute; This story represents the person who used the parachute in Combat and training operations all over the world, to the person with disabilities that puts their heart and soul into making each individual product one of a kind.

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